Proposed Standing Order
Here is a Proposed Standing Order which has not been signed yet. Attorneys are invited to review it and ask questions to Lynsay Chapman or Deanna Reisman.
Standing Order
There is a new Standing Order Filed February 7th, 2025. Click this link to view or download it.
2025 Calendar – Updated 2/20/25
This update adds the Criminal Status Meeting on March 7th in Catoosa County. All attorneys with criminal cases pending on the current calendar are required to attend.
Previous changes are still highlighted in yellow on February 21st, April 29th, and May 1st – 9th.
Effective immediately, the Fax Machines in Judge Thompson’s office and Judge Hise’s office have been removed. Files can be emailed to the appropriate Administrative Assistants.
Status Calendar Calls
Effective February 7th, at 10 am, we will begin having Criminal Jury Trial Status Update Calendar Calls. After pleas, motions and continuances are heard, a Judge will go over all the cases that are left on the calendar to discuss their status. Attorneys will be required to announce if the cases will be trials, continued (and why), or dismissed. Judges House and Hise will conduct the first Status Calendar Call on the 7th of February. DEFENDANTS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO ATTEND.
David Gottlieb’s New Address
David D. Gottlieb
Gottlieb Law Firm, P.C.
101B East Patton Street, Suite B
LaFayette, GA 30728
(706) 670-1338